September 30, 2016

The Armageddon Rag

"What's the use of messing around in things you don't understand?"

The Armageddon Rag is a mystery/fantasy book written by George R. R. Martin, who I’m sure you know by his well-known and most beloved works, A Song of Ice and Fire. This book revolves around Sandy Blair, a journalist turns novelist who investigates the murder of a rock promoter, James Lynch and its weird circumstances around it. This circumstances set off Blair to not only find out who killed Lynch but also launched a suspicion towards Blair’s favorite rock band, The Nazgul, and their connection to Lynch. During his investigation, Blair unfolds many secrets surrounding, Lynch, The Nazgul, and the occult mystery surrounding rock and roll world at that time.

September 13, 2016

Critical Eleven

“Expectation is a cruel bastard, isn’t it?”

Critical Eleven is my entry for this year Pop Sugar Reading Challenge on the category ‘A Book Recommended by Family Members.’ This book is recommended by my little cousin A, who is actually a 14 years old girl, and that makes me have a mixed feeling. I tell you why later. So, do you ever feel something like, that moment when you met someone new, and then you feel like that person kind of resonates with you on personal level. But then, when you takes your time and get to know them more, it turns out that they’re the kind of person that you despise? It’s like when you receive a birthday gift, and the wrapping is so pretty and the size is huge, but the inside is just full of shredded papers and styrofoam bits and the actual gift is kind of meh? Well, that’s how I feel about this book.

September 3, 2016

Dangerous Girls

“Wouldn’t we all look guilty, if someone searched hard enough?”

I’ve got to start this review with cussing, sorry, but HOLY FUCKING HELL!!!! This book, this damn book! I don’t understand why are there so few people talking about this beautiful book? AAARGGHH!!! Okay, I need to calm down and carry on with the review.