March 28, 2017

The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories by Angela Carter

“I was a young girl, a virgin, and therefore men denied me rationality just as they denied it to all those who were not exactly like themselves, in all their unreason.”

I will forever be thankful to the person who post a line from this book on tumblr. That post got me so curious and lead me to maybe one of the best fairy tale retellings anthology I’ve ever read. Whoever you are, thank you so much! The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories is an anthology of fairy tale retelling short stories written by Angela Carter. Unlike most of fairy tale retellings I’ve read, the stories in this books are dark, sensual, and quite gruesome. The only fairy tale retelling that I feel to have a quite similar dark feeling to this book is Carolyn Sturgeon’s The Fairest of Them All. But, while The Fairest of Them All lacks of subtlety and the quality of power in its characters, The Bloody Chamber managed to deliver it.

March 2, 2017

January and February 2017 Reading Recap

Okay, the picture says monthly, but really, this post is bi-monthly recap because yours truly is a messy human being who forget things and only realized her mistakes when it was too late. I’ve been meaning to do monthly reading recap post since last year, but I always forgot, and so I promise to do it starting in January. Guess what? I forgot again. So this post is going to be a bi-monthly recap. I promise after this one, the recap post will be monthly. But who am I kidding? I’m a messy human being, so let’s just say that I will try my hardest to make this a monthly thing.